Why Do We Need Social Media Anyways?

There is no avoiding it...we live in a digital world and are expected to follow at least some of the rules accordingly. But does this mean that we "need" social media for our businesses? Well, like all things, it depends!

It depends on your business, your clients and your sales channels. Here is a great first question to ask yourself: "if I was a client of mine where would I be able to find me?" If you have a direct B2C (or business to consumer) business then you absolutely want to be active and thriving on social media. Mystery solved.

But what about the other 80% of businesses locally, the B2B (business to business) business? Well, here is where you need to use discretion. Who are you trying to reach? If you are directly trying to reach out to other professionals who would hire your services or be a good referral source then it is important to be on their social media radar. 

Then the next step is to ask yourself if you really need to go to the "Twitter Level" of social media...aka posting hourly with very little substance at 140 characters? The answer is usually going to be a big "NO!" Typically a good LinkedIN company page, active Facebook business page and even possibly a good Instagram account will suffice to be able to communicate effectively and clearly in the digital age for most B2B consumers. 

On the other hand, if your direct sale would be to a company or organization with multiple decision makers (let's say you are an architecture firm and you're going to bid for a tenant improvement project) then you wouldn't need to make a big focus out of direct social media marketing. But in this case it's always a good idea to have an active landing page with positive PR messages where potential clients can "do their digging" on you! Social media is a great way to link your organization to vendors and the community to boost your public image.

The Takeaway: At the very least a good landing page should be available to potential clients to improve your ROI and public image...at the other end of the spectrum if you are making direct sales to individual professionals then your social media strategy should be boosted weekly to get in front of those individuals and keep you on the forefront of their minds!